Editor Name: Natalia Patrascu
University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest
1. Doctor in medicine, "Carol Davila "University,
of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest (Romania)
2. Medical doctor graduation, "Carol
Davila"University of Medicine and Pharmacy, General Medicine, Bucharest
Medical doctor, Assistant Professor in Cardiology
Email: nataliapatrascu@gmail.com
Research Interest: Standard echocardiography, Special
echocardiography (transeoesophageal, pharmacological stress, new techniques), Vascular Doppler echography, Courses and practice training with
students and fellows
Dr. Natalia Patrascu - Cardiology and Internal Medicine
Specialist Professional training: - graduate of the "Carol Davila"
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, 1999 promotion
fields of activity and expertise:
Imaging in cardiology
Specific cardiovascular pathology of pregnant and lazy woman
High blood pressure
Specialist cardiology and internal medicine;
Assistant professor of cardiology and internal medicine
within the UMF "Carol Davila" since 2006 (formerly: university
trainer in the same clinic since 2003)
Doctor in medical sciences (from 2013) with a doctoral
thesis on research in the field of hypertension and heart failure in early
General echocardiography
Special echocardiography (transesophageal, pharmacological
stress, new techniques)
Doppler vascular ultrasound
16 years of activity in a service of Internal Medicine and
Cardiology of which over 7 years in the Coronary Intensive Care Unit and ward
in an emergency hospital
13 years of teaching experience (practical training for
students in Cardiology and Pneumology, courses for students and resident
Investigator experience in randomized, multicenter clinical
trials (over 10 clinical trials to date)
Experience in specific imaging from cardiology (over 1500
transthoracic echocardiography, over 400 transesophageal echocardiography, over
200 vascular ultrasound, over 50 pharmacological stress ultrasounds)
Experience in long-term surveillance of patients with
cardiovascular disease;
Research, supervision and targeted therapy activity
specifically on the cardiovascular pathology of pregnant women.
1. Certificate for 3D Echo intensive course, Department of
Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua, Padua (Italy)
2. Postuniversitary competence course in vascular
echography, "Carol Davila"University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Bucharest (Romania), Competence in vascular echography for peripheral arteries,
cervical arteries and veins system (01/10/201427/01/2015).
3. Postuniversitary competence in special echocardiography,
"Carol Davila"University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
(Romania) (01/06/201401/10/2015).
Scientific activity
1. More than 45 papers published as first author or co-author, full or abstracts, in Romanian or international journals, ISI or BDI indexed included, Oral conferences sustained in national congresses
2. Best posterprizes, as first author, awarded at prestigious
international congresses (European Congress of Cardiology and European Congress
of Echocardiography, both in 2017) for original scientific working in study of
cardiac function at pregnancies with preeclampsia.